Speak the Truth?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
Here I am, I stand at the door and knocking… <3:20>

Laodicea situated in midstream of a hot spring. Water in the headstream is hot and has the function of healing; water in the downstream is cool & suitable for drinking. But water in the midstream – Laodicea is not hot enough so it’s healing function fails; it’s also not cool enough to drink. It is completely useless! Is this our situation?

In or Out ? Cold or warm?
1. Lord, please enter my door & dine with me. No one apart from you my heart desires! (3:19-21)
2. Lord, keep my fervor as well as humbleness, so that I have influence on the world: healing people & quenching their thirst! (3:15-18)

? 33 years’ tears for a repent …Theologian Augustine was full of talent, yet he led a corrupted life when he was young. He changed greatly in his adulthood and became God’s vessel. He said in “The Confession” that “God listened to my mother’s prayers & tears , brought me back to Him!” His mother prayed with tears for him for 33 years. In God, there is no disappointment.

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