Close to Thee!

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
… in your minds be grown men .

Purpose of church gathering — 3 ways to worship God:
1. Sermon meetings: to teach and comfort?v.3?
2. Prayer meetings: to pray and sing?v.15?
3. Gospel meetings: to glorify God and save sinners ?v.23…25?
Only if all of us magnify Lord and follow the Spirit in our private lives , can make our meetings full of blessings and glory of God!

?Live again?…An American sister Minnie Vautrin was an outstanding student in college. In 1912 she arrived Hefei of Anhwei in China. She sharred the gospel and founded a secondary school there. Late she ran the Ginling Women’s University from 1919 to 1940, contributed very much in education . In 1937 when the Japanese army killed several hundred thousands in Nanjing, she set up safety zones in university, risking her life to save many women. Her diary aroused attentions both in China and the West. In 1941 she rested in peace, her last words, “if I can live again, I still choose to serve the Chinese!”

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