Full of joy, filled with the Spirit!

Acts Add comments

I have made you a light for the Gentiles! – Ark Channel 15/07/2021 Thu Acts 13b

But God raised him from the dead. (v.30)

* God opens up the doors of opportunity; those who are diligent will always have a way out! Teams work together to build new and great work; exceptional leadership is produced while following the Cross; and in our hearts, we only have the glory of God in mind!

Act 13:26-52

* Sharing the Lord’s love with fishermen and smokers – I am in Maine, and I have many opportunities to share the Gospel with fishermen. We have formed a Gospel Bible study group. There’s a youngster, Dan, who smokes all kinds of s substances, but is willing to hear the Gospel! ~Bro. James Chu (1)

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