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Acts Add comments

Entrust them to the Lord in whom you believe! – Ark Channel 16/07/2021 Fri Acts 14

We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God (v.22)

Good Examples of Those Who Enter the Kingdom of God:
1. Preaching boldly, everywhere. (v.1-7)
2. Rejecting applause, handing everything to the Lord. (v.8-28)
* Do not complain amidst difficulties; follow the Lord without looking back!

Act 14

* I shared the Gospel with Dan, but he had a strong smell because of his smoking habit. When we were studying the Bible, I asked him to refrain from smoking. He had to endure that time because he wanted to break free of his habits. To bring him to Bible study, I helped him wash the dishes that had piled up, and hence we had some trust built up. Sharing the Gospel by washing dishes, the Lord is wonderful! ~Bro. James Chu (2)

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