Cloud of Glory?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
…but our competency is of God

Now the Lord is the Spirit, He can:
1. Renew our mind ?v.1…3?
2. Grant us life ?v.4…6?
3. Give us ever-increasing glory ?v.7…16?
4. Grant us freedom ?v.17,18?
To experience 4 of the above blessings, fix your eyes on the Lord?v.7?13?18?and turn your hearts to the Lord!?v.16?

?The heretic organization “Eastern Lightning ” ????which is extremely dangerous -is damgaing the Chinese-speaking churches in China, HK , N America …. Be on the alert to protect your flocks. For detail click / click or read new book “Knowing the Heresies” by Samuel Ching ???

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