Together Through Thick and Thin!

Acts Add comments

Receive The Word With Eagerness! Ark Channel 21/07/2021 Wed Acts 17

…examining the Scriptures daily… (v11)

* Faced with religious persecution (v1-15), philosophical and reasoning challenges (v16-34), do we have a sense of urgency to be equipped with God’s word?
* Paul and Silas were beaten in prison but they praised God, prayed and sang hymns! The in-mates heard, the earth quaked, the prison doors opened and the chains unfastened. The Lord’s resurrection life breaks through darkness and chains!

Acts 17

* Forest scavengers – There are more than 1500 species of mushrooms, some edible and some poisonous. These inconspicuous tiny plants can decompose all kinds of dead bodies and fallen leaves to clean up the forest. God creats all things with its own vocation.

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