In Him always YES ?

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Now He that establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God <1:21>

No Exit?See you at Exit G!
1. Great hardship: despaired even of life?v.3…11?– Hardship is urging us to find the Exit G — God is there – only God can save!
2. Way out: pray for one another?v.11…24?– God is faithful. He can strengthen and anoint us!

?Last Tuesday my best friend Partrick learnt that his colleague fell sick suddenly. He wanted to ask saints to pray for the colleague. But just when he picked up the phone, he received sad news that the patient passed away. In grief he reminded us yesterday- to treasure our days & work in this life. Our chances to serve & work is limited., do our best & win souls with all our might!

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