Rise High Against the Wind!

Acts Add comments

Man Proposes, God Disposes! – Ark Channel 24/07/2021 Sat Acts 19b

And when Paul wanted to go in to the people, the disciples would not allow him. (v. 30)

* Paul had a great plan (v.21-22). Despite this, he was compelled to leave Ephesus as the city was in commotion (v.23-41) and riots were sparked off by the unruly crowd. The Holy Spirit works at sensible times. A wise and good servant also knows how to discern the weather, fine or foul, and acts on climate change.

Acts 19:21-41

*Sermon An Impressive Education of Christ (基督的震撼教育) by Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu 吳獻章 (Chinese sermon in audio and text, from HK Bible Conference 2005)

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