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Acts Add comments

My Love For The Lord Is More Than Now! Ark Channel 26/07/2021 Mon Acts 20b

…the word of His grace, which is able to build you up… (v32)

Two main sections of the Book of Acts: ch1-12 and ch13-28both starts with prayer:
- devoting themselves with one mind to prayer (1:14)
- when they had fasted, prayed…they sent them (Paul and Barnabas) away (13:3)
Then I fell at His feet, now do I still bend my knees?

Acts 20:17-38

* * A couple reaching retirement age. The wife asked the husband: since you believe in the Lord, why don’t you study more about things concerning faith. The husband replied: since I have been baptized, I do not need to worry about going to heaven. The wife reminded him: even people who immigrate, they get prepared, learn and plan to adapt to the new environment. How much more should we be prepared for the day we immigrate to heaven, learn and know about the things in heaven?

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