All-Surpassing Power?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
For our momentary and light affliction works for us in surpassing measure an eternal weight of glory; <4:17>

Not losing heart!?v.1?16?—- 3 reasons we can get over the dark nights:
1. Having glorious ministry in short life ?v.1…6?…Since God has chosen you, you can’t give up, Note that even the angels admire your ministry!
2. The treasure in vessel ?v.7…12?…God use broken hearts to repair a broken earth!
3. A forward-looking faith?v.13…18?…We only begin to live when prepared our death with life everlasting!

?In a good book…”Seking the Truth – Chinese scholars’ on faith”, records speeches of 10 elite Chinese Christian scholars. In it Dr. C.K. Cheong??? shared 4 secrets of success -, “The 4 principles of a prominent life are purpose -driven, self-esteem, priority and planning.”We need God & HIs gifts in search of excellence.

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