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Acts Add comments

Be His Witness To All Men! Ark Channel 28/07/2021 Wed Acts 22

And He said to me, ‘Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ (v21)

Two Major Turning Points In Life:
1. The Lord’s appearance (v1-9) – to let us know who the Lord of Glory is
2. The Lord’s command (v10-21) – to make us do the work He planned

Acts 22

* Vivian PANG/彭麗婉《Looking At This Life From Eternity – Paul’s View on the End》/in Chinese. She used to get in and out of luxury cars and today she makes a living being a taxi-driver. Her relationship with her husband needs to be rebuilt from the brink of breakage. Heavily in debt, she finds a way forward in adversity. (North Point Alliance Church and Chinese Bible International)

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