Push Through Hardship from Hardship! – Sunday Hope_01/08/2021

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope Add comments

Who Are You, Lord? – Sunday Hope 01/08/2021 Acts 26a

Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead? (v. 8)

* Our way ahead may look gloomy at times. But we are still zealous for God in the dark night. Even in the courtroom, the apostle called for people to decide for the Lord! Ever since we have met our Lord, we live with a clear conscience towards God and people. This is the kind of life shining with light!

Acts 26:1-18

* Pray and Participate: Hong Kong Bible Conference 2021 (August 1-10), is being held with a total of 26 sermons. Watch it live on the internet from Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr Kwok-kuen Leung/梁國權 speaks on the Book of Joshua, Rev. Alex McCoy on the Book of James / Real faith (too many fakes nowadays), Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章 on ten topics of end times basing on 10 books from the Bible.

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