A Humble Heart Is Closest To God!

Acts Add comments

Heal My Blindness, Draw Me Near! Ark Channel 02/08/2021 Mon Acts 26b

…He would proclaim light both to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles. (v23)

* Those who know God see the true light (v6-16); sinners need the true light (v17-23); hose with power and authority reject the true light! (v24-28) Christians! Rise and shine.

Acts 26:19-32

* HK Bible Conference: Yesterday the Revival Message ‘You Can Come Closer to Me’ touched on Joseph. In adversity, there’s great mission and requires training of mind and will. The great harm in life often comes from the bullying of close ones. God has a bigger plan, never give up on yourself and neither will God. The Lord is the director, focus on acting the drama of this life. Turn to God in life’s second half and be healed. Grow after being broken, accept the calling and complete the journey God destined!

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