Heart Expanded?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
…as having nothing, and possessing all things. <6:10>

Are you God’s servant? — 4 precious things :
1. Do you have Patience ? ?6:3…10?
2. Are you Broad-minded ? ? 6:11…13?
3. Will you be be separated from evil ? ?6:14…18?
4. Are you Optimistic ?7:2…4?

? Ed Silvoso, a co-worker of Palau the evangelist, had gathered the elites from metropolis in every parts of the world for God’s harvest.– to win every family, to harvest the whole city”. His zeal as well as his strategy to the souls deeply influenced many great cities! Silvoso said that he was used to be a shy person. But when he was small ,every day he traveled by bus – he thought of the cries from hell on the day he will stand before the seat of Christ, dying souls will cry to him — “Why you rode on the same bus with us everyday, yet never told us about Jesus, about God’s kingdom and about hell!”?to be continued?

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