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Acts Add comments

Preaching With All Openness! Ark Channel 04/08/2021 Wed Acts 28

…when Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage. (v15)

* Waiting for us in the next stop – Paul advised everyone to stay in Fair Havens for the winter but no one listened and ended up they were in a shipwreck but God for Paul’s sake saved everyone on the ship. We may miss God’s goodwill and end up in a disaster but God has mercy and grace. He willingly waits for us in the next stop! God is faithful and mighty.

Acts 28

* HK Bible Conference: (summary) Timothy Wu/吳獻章 Revival Message 2/8 “Life’s Ups & Downs” (Numbers ch10-14). The book of Numbers has 12 key points: Harder the spiritual lesson the longer it takes to learn. It is a pity that people opt to learn submission through the painful way. Bottleneck always occurs at the mouth of the bottle (the key to success lies with leadership quality). Those who do not have God’s vision have much to fear but our foremost fear in life is offending God. Those who do not have God must bear all consequences. Stop trusting in ourselves, entrust to God. The tragedy in human history comes from “self destruction” rather than “infliction”. Prosperity only comes when there is peace. This is true at home as well as in the church.

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