Spirit Refreshed ?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
But He who comforts the downcast, encouraged us …

Who ignites oor hope on life and service? —- the saints and the church!
1. longing, deep sorrow & ardent concern?v.7?–these 3 Greek words express the strongest emotion…since knowing the problems in church & between the saints are solved!
2. happy, delighted, glad?v.9?13?16?…we know that God is faithful when we see brothers & sisters take heart again!

? Ed Silvoso from Argentina influenced the whole world by city evangelism! When Silvoso was small, every day he traveled by bus, he thought of the cries from hell one day saying, “Why you rode on the same bus with us every day, yet never told us about the hell!” Silvoso read Ephesians 2:10 and felt deeply that God urged him to do ‘good works”. So he started to bring gospel tracts with him and put them on the bus before he left. Later he gave them to those sitting next to him when he left the bus. Afterward he gave it out 5 stations earlier, and then 10 stations, 15 stations. At last God granted him courage that he gave them out when he got on the bus! “Whoever has will be given more”, now he traveled round the globe to testify for Christ !

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