Right the Wrong?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… they cease not day and night saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come. <4:8>

The Pilgrim Church?Rev Ch.2…3? vs. the world’s situation ?Rev Ch.5…19? …let’s lift up our eyes to heaven?Rev Ch.4??
1. Seeing God’s throne is fixed in heaven ?4:1…2?
2. Knowing God’s faithfulness never changes ?4:3…4?
3. Trust in God’s footsteps cover all over the world ?4:5?
4. Joining the creations of God to worship Him day & night ?4:6…11?

? HK student’s letter to Ark :” … The earnest heart of my newly believed schoolmate made me amaze at God’s miraculous work…I encourage him to read the Bible…strengthening him. And he confesses his sins honestly, impressing me in his words : ‘… I’d rather let someone who can take hold of my hands and keep me from sinning -let HIm know all my wrong deeds.’ This is how he opened his heart to God and received God’s peace on 20/11! …Every night I still keep asking God to keep them. Peace be with you! — A brother in Christ.”

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