Grace Abundant?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

Give with what God has given us — 4 fruits?v.10…15?:
1. Those who give – their wealth increased in everything, also let thanks be given to God?v.11?
2. Those who receive – giving more praise to God since their needs are cared?v.12?
3. Unbelievers – accepting Christ and the gospel?v.13?
4. Fellow believers – be connected in love by prayers?v.14?
Financial aid & gift helps the expansion of God’s work and kingdom !

?Last Sunday I rushed to meeting by taxi. I was moved by the Spirit to take a gospel tape with me. The driver said that he found Christians really serious about their faith. In mnay Sundays he drove many passengers who travel long for church gatherings. He also had watched some gospel TV programs & wondered why many bad guys turned to Christ. But he grieved that he had to work on Saturdays and Sundays – so I took3 minutes to share gospel with him. The driver listened & received in delight;acccepted my short message. I gave him the gospel tapes spoken by Yip Tak Sung ???and he so grateful! (The driver is Mr. Man, pls pray the Spirit can lead him to church life!.)

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