Rainbow in Clouds?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
The signs indeed of the apostle were wrought among you in all endurance … <12:12>

Grace of God and Patience of Apostle — 2 in-depth lessons?2 climaxes of II Corinthians?:
1. Grace Sufficient -before God … Nothing to boost about the hardship bore for Lord, spiritual visions or mysterious experiences! The most wonderful grace to boost on is hearing Lord’s voice in weakness, and God’s power turning us to him in despair! <12:9>
2. Long-Suffering -among saints … This is the true sign of apostle – serving the saints in all patience, placing the good of the saints first while the honor or gain of self in the last. <12:12>
May we all be this kind of apostle!

?Tam Ho Chuen???, father of bro Leslie Tam , had passed away. I’m going to preach gospel in his funeral tonight, pls pray that his whole family can be saved! (Bro Tam had a life with twists and turns. In serious sickness he remembered a hymn “Jesus Loves the Children”, learnt 40 years ago. He then accepted Jesus as saviour , passed away peacefully. My topic tonight “A bruised reed shall He not break”. )

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