Pure Heart?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
… Who is stumbled, and I burn not?

Beware of fakery — someone preaching another Jesus, getting a different Spirit?11:4?:
1. Since men’s hearts are easily corrupted ?v.3? — Discuss with yr church leaders / saints which bring you up . Don’t accept any new teching easily!
2. Since Satan can take the form of an angel of light?v.14? — Miraculous experiences, prophesies & visions are easy to be boosted on. But can these pass through the trial of time? Are these really shown by the Spirit?

?Pray for Bro Nagge & Sis Nashwa in Scotland – Ark Channelonce reported this Egyptian doctors – a couple working in Scotland ‘s hospital. They organized children & youth meeting every Sunday, teaching faithfully , serving next generation .Recently Dr. Nashwa suffered fr cancer. Yesterday I was informed that she had had 8 times of chemotherapy already. Dr. Nagge said after his wife found cancer, their world changed , yet closer to the Lord. He sincerely requested prayers from you all – that they can be faithful in keeping the testimony of Lord!

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