Be at Peace ?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine Add comments
…rejoice; be perfected; be encouraged; be of one mind…

Live in the blessing of the Trinity God — the church is a miracle:
1. It’s prayer that can truly retrieve people. ?v.7?9?
2. It’s God Himself that can truly bless people (v.14)

?Shall Lord not break — In yesterday’s funeral Leslie Tam??? witnessed for his father Tam Ho Chuen??? who had passed away…though he believed Jesus in his last days and has just been a Christian for 44 days before going back to heaven, he believed with a sincere heart. At last he recite a hymn “Onward Christian soldiers …” heard 40+ years before! In these 44 days , father and son repaired relationship which has broken for years. They held each other’s hands in prayers and read Bible together.

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