By Grace, through Christ?

Galatians, Voice Divine Add comments
… God, who set me apart even from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace …

True disciples — not pleasing men but be servant of Lord:
1. Set apart from birth?v.15a?
2. Called by his grace?v.15b?
3. Sent in revelation?v.16?

?Message from Scotland … Sharing from Egyptian sister Nashwa in sickness: “I want to thank you for all the prayers and encouraging e-mails we were receiving from out brothers and sisters across the world, the love of the body of Christ has been so evident. As I was ill one-day I saw the contrast between our Lord been despised and rejected going through the wine-press alone, and me upheld by His body – the international church – and by different people, and encouraged by literally hundreds of cards, e-mails and flowers. His love is amazing, even when I am struggling, His presence is so evident and His love is so warming and His encouragement is so personal and so real…” (to be continued)
* Dr. Nagge and Dr.Nashwa serving in Scotland. They organize youth meeting every week,blessing the next generation. Pls pray for them with the unfailing love in Christ!

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