Promises addressed?

Galatians, Voice Divine Add comments
…that we might receive the promise of the Spirit …through faith? <3:14>

5 pictures of blessings from God?Gal 3: 1…14?:
1. Blessing of the Spirit … Crucifixion of Jesus Christ ?v.1?
2. Blessing of righteousness … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 15:6?
3. Blessing for all nations … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 12:3?
4. Blessing of living … The vision of the prophet Habakkuk ?Hab 1…3?
5. Blessing of descendants … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 13:15?
Let us cry for joy of freedom!

?Egyptian sister Nashwa shares in sickness?2?:”It has been difficult for a doctor who has never been ill in her life or ever had a hospital admission, but it has been a great insight about my patients (who are mostly sick babies) and all the pain the parents go through, and the thought of how can I do more to relief their pain and reduce the pain my resilient patients (premature babies) go through…my husband Dr. Nagy is specialized in colon surgery and cancer colon, he said he knows understands better what does chemotherapy mean to his patients and their families, and when he comes up to see me during administering my chemotherapy, he always meet his patients in the oncology-cancer-unit…If God is willing, I have admitted for planned surgery on the 5th of October. So please pray for us during this time. God bless you and all our brothers and sisters in Christ —– Love in Christ, Nashwa

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