Bear My Burden, Remove My Fear!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

The New, Resurrected Head! Ark Channel 30/08/2021 Mon 1 Corinthians 8

but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him. (v3)

* The city of Corinth was situated on a major route linking north and south of Greece, a centre of trade, full of evil customs and idolatry. It had a population of 700,000 of which two third were slaves! Among the multitude of idol temples there were over a thousand prostitutes. The city was filled with materialism, utilitarianism, idols and injustice. If there is someone who loves God with a pure heart, God will know him.

1Corithians 8:1-13

* Brother Hongjie Yu/于宏潔 message: Dissatisfaction towards marriage/spouse. Everyone has 2 sets of eyes but sadly one set is blind.

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