Ark – Follow the King?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
…Worthy is the Lamb that has been slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. <5:12>

Fate is in His hands – Lord I worship you?
1.The sealed book ?v.1…5? … God’s will towards the future of mankind & the fortune of everyone are all in HIS book.
2.Only the Lamb is worthy to open?v.6…10?…Past , future and everything are in Lord’s hands. He is the omniscient, almighty and omnipresent One, and is executing the last step of God’s plan!
3.Choir in heaven ?v.11…14?…Our prayers & praises never alone! Come & praise in any adversity since your future days are still in Lord’s hands!

? Sis Heidi Tsui is still having her electrotherapy, here’s her recent news :”My sister who is also suffering from cancer phoned me & told me she will be baptized on 15/1 in 06! Before she was panic for her sickness, but she changed completely after knowing God. The care from the saints let her feel the Lord’s love . She heard of the Lord by her ears (from me), but now she experienced God herself. All her wish is her husband will turn to Jesus also…”?Pls pray for the repentance of Heidi’s family! ?

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