Forget Not the Lord’s Suffering and His Love!

Corinthians 1 Add comments

True faith waits patiently! – Ark Channel 02/09/2021 Thu 1 Corinthians 11

…This is my body, which is for you… (v.24)

Do we cherish our date with the Lord (the communion)? (v. 23~32)
1. Forget not the Lord Jesus Christ, esteem Him (v.24~25)
2. Proclaim that the Lord suffered and died for us (v.26)
3. Declare our hope – He will return! (v.26b)

1Corithians 11

* Vietnam and Thailand are suffering under the coronavirus Delta variant. Churches are still meeting online and praying for their country. A message from the Luong Nhu Hoc church in Vietnam is timely – arkchannel sharing

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