Do Good towards All ?

Galatians, Voice Divine Add comments
… the world is crucified to me …

Mark of a Spiritual Man —- the Cross?6:14…17??
1. Purpose of life — Boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ only?v.14?
2. Lifestyle — live as a new creation only ?v.15?
3. Motive of serving — Bear on the body the (shameful) mark of Jesus?v.17?

?Letter from Edinburgh: “It’s been a nice time for me to be with the saints in HK. Your work will not be in vain — please pray for the new university students in Edinburgh as an orientation program will be held on 7/10 here — many students from China,including Taiwan & HK, also youth from Singapore and Malaysia –the Christian band ‘Stream of Praise’ will have 9 concerts in these 10 days to worship / praise , also to preach gospel. Pls pray for the spread of gospel here –let’s remember each other, don’t forget the His kingdom — Chak Por ???, from church in Edinburgh.
?On this Friday night (29/9) my church will have a gospel meeting for university students. Topic – “A Wonderful Life”. Pls pray for the 100,000+ college students in HK —Sam Kong

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