Walk by Spirit?

Galatians, Voice Divine Add comments
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long – suffering, kindness, goodness, fidelity <5:22>

God’s Checklist —-are you walking in Flesh or in Spirit (5:22-23)?
1. In flesh — Morality: adultery, impurity, debauchery; interpersonal relationship: hatred, discord, jealousy, divisions, wrath;over self-control: drunkenness, reveling
2. In Spirit — To God: love, joy, peace; to others: patience, kindness, goodness; to yourself: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control

?The Chinese movie director KY Sin ??? was born in a Christian family, yet just a Christian in name. In 1998 while his life was doing well and he was enjoying his holiday in Florida, he got a phone call telling him he, as his friend’s guarantor, was liable for the debt worth 20 millions- since his friend disappeared! He was shocked, and started to review his life. He picked up the Bible again and came across the story of Job. How Job lost his fortune …and his family was just like Job at that moment. He repented before God, and started to rebuild the relationship with the Lord!

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