His Workmanship?

Ephesians, Voice Divine Add comments
…has raised us up together…<2:6>

Revising the touching story — a Tale of two histories :
1. A meaningless life?v.1…3?…We have once died in sins with the world ,controlled by the evil spirit. Lost of in control in lust, we lived under God’s wrath!
2. New life in Christ?v.4…6?… By the mercy, love & grace of Christ, we are alive again, resurrected and sitting in heaven with Him!
3. Meaning of “Christian”?v.7…22?… being reconciled with God and men, numbered among the family of God – we are God’s dwelling!

?Last night gospel meeting for college students — 175 attendants. 12 among them believed in Jesus, glory to God!
* Message from Bro Wong Kin?? in HK — “My wife Queenie is sick recently, but we can’tfind a cure after many checks…we have done want we can…now we can only rely on Lord, remember us in prayer” (Queenie loves the Lord; she had a major surgery before, pray for them)

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