God Does Not Show Favouritism!

Galatians Add comments

I only fear running my race in vain! – Ark Channel 24/09/2021 Fri Galatians 2

…The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (v.20)

* The Gospel’s core is that Christ came to give Himself as a sacrifice for us, and that he was resurrected and has triumphed over death (v1-5). But man’s will and traditions may mutate the Gospel (v6-10). May the Lord give us heavenly revelations, so that we are drawn close to God!

Galatians 2

* Pastor SQ Chen/陳世欽, who was born in Malaysia, speaks on “The advantage of overseas’ Chinese’s from the lens of dispersion“/「從散居看華人的優勢」

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