Meditate on Our Lord’s Work!

Galatians Add comments

Triumphant yet Submissive, Strong yet Patient! – Ark Channel 25/09/2021 Sat Galatians 3

… the righteous will live by faith. (v. 11)

* We receive the Holy Spirit by faith. This is our greatest treasure! Blessed with this treasure at heart, in fine weather or foul, we are able to embark on our pilgrimage.

Galatians 3

* Miri in East Malaysia is a serene city. The local gospel chapel was established in 1963. God who was able to create all things out of nothing sent Rev Percy King and his wife/ 金福泉牧師夫婦from Tasmania, Australia to the city. With hard work the church was founded. Now it is a Sunday congregation of more than 1900, with kids and teenagers amounting to 200. It is a flourishing church. Their Chinese bulletin Good News (佳訊) is worth reading.

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