Children of God Through Promise! – Sunday Hope_26/09/2021

Galatians, Sunday Hope Add comments

Labour Until Christ is Formed in You! – Sunday Hope 26/09/2021 Galatians 4

What then was the blessing you enjoyed?… (v. 15)

1. Shepherds and their flocks are closely connected. Be wary not to forsake the truth just for keeping the good relationship. (v.12-16)
2. Be wary of heresy-mongers. They appear to be zealous but harbour evil intentions.

Galatians 4

* A cancer patient who has undergone 5 surgeries and recovered – I have a life-saving song! He said, I sang and wept. I proclaimed that my life was not in the hands of earthly doctors, but in the hands of the greatest physician of the universe — my God….
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