Sing and Make Melody in Heart to God! – Sunday Hope_03/10/2021

Ephesians, Sunday Hope Add comments

Giving Himself for the Church! – Sunday Hope 03/10/2021

This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (v32)

A family-oriented church
1. Do we want to see husband and wife adoring each other as in their first love? Let the family be filled with the Holy Spirit always! (5:22-23)
2. Do we want to see loving parents and obedient children? Let them fear God, respect and encourage each other. (6:1-4)
3. Do we want to strive for excellence in the workplace? Let employers and employees serve God in the first place. (6:5-9)
* These are clues and glimpses of a glorious church!

Ephesians 5

A Chinese hymn with lyrics composed by Dr CHIU Man-chun /趙孟準醫生 Live a Life Without Regrets

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

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