Glory To The Everlasting King!

Ephesians Add comments

Understanding God’s Will Through Suffering! Ark Channel 04/10/2021 Mon Ephesians 6

With every prayer and request, pray at all times in the Spirit… (v18a)

* The five “all” of prayer in the church for God’s kingdom: all the time, all-round, all trusting in God, all watchful, with all the saints! Knowing well that it is God, not men, who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think!

Ephesians 6

* Rememberance of Dr. CHIU Man Chun / 趙孟準醫生: “Time will not stop, life is brief. Cherish every moment, never let it waste…offering my life for You makes it worthwhile!” This is from Dr. Chiu’s well known lyrics. He has completed his life’s journey on 29 September and is now resting with the Lord. May the Lord comfort his family.

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