Labour of love ?

Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine Add comments
… to serve a living and true God <1:9>

Rejoice! — 5 blessings of living in church:
1. Boundaries of church … have grace & peace in God the Father & Christ?v.1?
2. Beauty of the church … work of faith, labour of love, the patience of hope ?v.2…3?
3. Fate of the church … chosen & loved by God! ?v.4…7?
4. Testimony of church … ring out the Lord’s message (like thunder!) in faith?v.8?
5. Way of the church … turn to God from idols, serve Him , wait for Lord’s return(v.9…10?

?Message from New Zealand — Sister Eunice Wong fr HK, newly baptized, goes to Plamerston North in northern island of NZ to study. Her message sum up – This is my second year in university , everything ok. I enjoy youth worship of church much…I am eager to serve God more…and in every occasions I rely on the Spirit…greetings to the saints in HK. I felt deeply that Lord is calling our generation to serve HIm faithfully …”

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