Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus!

Hebrews Add comments

Exhort one another while it is called Today! – Ark Channel 06/11/2021 Saturday Hebrews 3

…but He who built all things is God. (v. 4)

* How to enter rest on our journey of salvation? Take heed to the warning of the Holy Spirit (v7). Exhort one another daily (v13). Hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end (v14). Listen to the truth teaching in faith (v2). Let God’s word bear fruit (v12-13).

Hebrews 3

* Augustine of Hippo was a theologian and the writer of the impactful City of God and Confessions. After his death, the city of Hippo was invaded and burnt down by foreign looters. His students returned to the city ruins. By the wonderful protection of God, his 93 writings and manuscripts in the charred library were preserved. These became the blessings for the Church.

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