Heard Because Of His Devout Behaviour!

Hebrews Add comments

Senses Trained To Discern! Ark Channel 08/11/2021 Mon Hebrews 5

Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. (v8)

* Christ is the eternal High Priest, offering His life as the sacrifice! Also His prayers, sufferings, cries and tears! In suffering He learned obedience. This is our Savior!

Hebrews 5

Brother Siu Man/少民, IT Manager, exhorts his children to make good use of their time. He recalls his childhood buddy who died suddenly from sepsis. In the farewell ceremony, he burst into tears. They were both under 45 years of age, thinking they’d have a long future ahead. Life is short and unpredictable, love God and love your neighbours!

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