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Hebrews Add comments

After Death Comes Judgment! – Ark Channel 12/11/2021 Fri Hebrews 9

…How much more, then, will the blood of Christ… cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (v14)

* We have a better Holy of Holies! Thanks to Jesus for His sacrifice, that He may be the High Priest in Heaven, continuing His eternal role of cleansing us and renewing us. Are we coming before His throne?

Hebrews 9

* Does God exist? – Malacca Gospel Hall: Water is densest at 4ºC; when water dips below 4ºC, it will expand (yet lighter in weight), and hence ice will float on water. Counterfactually, if ice became denser as it grows colder, ice will sink, and in the winters, all underwater life would die. Miraculous!

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