Draw near with True Heart and Faith!

Hebrews Add comments

Boldly Enter the Holiest! Ark Channel 13/11/2021 Sat Hebrews 10

For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. (v14)

* 5 imperative statements in Hebrew 10:19-39:
1) Draw near God;
2) Hold fast the hope;
3) Consider one another and stir up love and good works;
4) Recall the endurance at war and sufferings;
5) Forsake not the heart of courage

Hebrews 10:1-18

** Dorcas/吳賴多加, the wife of the late Elder WU Yung /吳勇長老 visited and spread God’s word to prison inmates. With her encouragement and admonition, hearts were softened. In a certain year, Elder Wu asked her to retire from the visit, fearing that it would be too tiring for her. In her following visit, the inmates asked whether she would come again. She pondered. They missed her in tears. Eventually she prayed and continued her visits. By the Lord’s love, she spent a total of 28 years in the prison ministry, serving and visiting inmates.

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