In Reverence!

Hebrews Add comments

Rewards Those Who Seek Him! Ark Channel 15/11/2021 Mon Hebrews 11a

…and he left, not knowing where he was going. (v8)

Please God By Faith:
* By faith Abel spoke to God for justice! By faith Enoch walked with God. By faith Noah saved his family. By faith Abraham lived as a stranger and offered. By faith Moses considered the reproach of Christ greater than the treasures of Egypt. Have we undertaken such faith?

Hebrews 11:1-16

* Computer specialist brother Siu Man/少民 had a misconception about Christ and criticised. One time, entrusted by the mother of a classmate, he was to win over the Christians classmates! He prepared many arguments, pretended to be friendly to the church, attended meetings, prepared to make a difference…As the meeting started, a little girl came on stage to lead the hymn singing, Siu Man sang along. For some unknown reason, tears started to flow with the singing and he felt this real God! From then on, he followed the Lord all his life.

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