People Whom The World Was Not Worthy!

Hebrews Add comments

Gained Approval Through Their Faith! Ark Channel 16/11/2021 Tue Hebrews 11b

choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin (v25)

* By faith the patriarchs saw the invisible LORD. Faith is founded on a kind of insight. motivating different feelings and actions, admitting we are mere pilgrims, not afraid of king’s orders and persevere!

Hebrews 11:17-40

* William Tennent / 滕能特 who is famous for establishing the “Log College”, is a father of four sons. Rev. Tennent was godly and loved the Lord. He built a log cabin in the corner of his courtyard and there he taught his children and 15 young people Latin, Greek, Hebrew, logic theology and the gospel. All four sons went on to become pastors for the Presbyterian Church, which led to a great spiritual awakening in America.

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