Whom God Loves He Disciplines!

Hebrews Add comments

Not Grow Weary And Lose Heart! Ark Channel 17/11/2021 Wed Hebrews 12

…who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame… (v2)

* God will use the environment to discipline and enlighten people. If we obey Him, we will live (v9), share in His holiness (v10) and yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness (v11). Hence do not lose heart in adversity! This is God’s trial for His people with a purpose, for a purpose!

Hebrews 12

* The Puritan migration movement began when Christians moved from England to Leiden, Netherlands. The Leiden church quickly grew to 300 people and then moved across the ocean to the Americas. Despite changes in the world, they remain focused on heavenly things and are amazing people caring for their families.

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