Our Preserver ?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine Add comments
…because we hope in a living God…

On God’s words — read up, teach & grow on it :
1. Be Good?v.1…6?– Nowadays heresies overrun. We have to read and teach Bible everyday – to save ourselves and the others.
2. Be Godly?v.7…12?– Be a man with purpose pursuing eternity and goodness!
3. Be Growing?v.13…16?– Let God works on you, so that God can work on others through you!

?Bible “addiction”?…Last week a friend was back to HK from Canada. Lasy year he asked me how to study Bible . I advised him to focus on the NT, read and learn every book by heart, then write an outline for each book and write down the main point of every chapter. Read it until the verses are in your heart, that anytime you can recall the content of any chapter of any book …This time when I see him again, the brother had read through the NT twice and is reading the third time now. He said he is “addicted “to the Bible! Now he can remember the content of any chapter of any book. Thanks the Lord! ?Why not try it out by yourselves? It works!?

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