The Lord’s Eyes Are On The Righteous!

Peter 1 Add comments

Finally, all of you, be like-minded! – Ark Channel 26/11/2021 Fri 1 Peter 3

…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect (v.15)

* In turbulent days, if we have a warm home, a godly spouse, and coworkers by our side – we have great comfort! We may see a messy world, but in our hearts, we uphold the Lord as the Holy one, we are filled with hope, and we live for the Lord!

1Peter 3

* Last Saturday, the Chinese church in Reading welcomed 45 new friends to the Gospel meeting. The choir offered the song, “The Best Blessing”/「最好的福氣」. Four committed their lives to Christ, while 12 others continued seeking. Glory to God! – Wilson

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