His Purpose ? Grace ?

Timothy 2, Voice Divine Add comments
…for I know whom I have believed … <1:12>

Loyalty shown in hardship — for I know whom I have believed:
1. Loyal in keeping God’s words?v.13…14?– When heresies overrun, do we have courage to keep the truth?
2. Faithful in treating God’s servants?v.15…18?– Many servants of God are in hardship, have we exhausted our strength in helping them?

?For some years T. M. Lee ??? the scholar attacked Christianity . He is a genius in philosophy, much influenced Chinese intellectuals. Now Bro K. W. Chan ??? publishes a book — “Review in Philosophy – comments on Lee Tin Ming’s Philosophy”, giving in-depth comment. ( Chan , an electronics engineer before God called him to serve by writing. He had published 6 books at his own expenses. Not long ago he faced an accident on sea, but the Lord spared his life so that he can finish this book. Published by Tien Dao .,in Chinese)

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