He Opens and No One Shuts! Sunday Hope_12/12/2021

Revelations, Sunday Hope Add comments

Be Zealous and Repent! – Sunday Hope 12/12/2021 Revelation 3

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…. (v19)

* Approaching the end of 100AD, Christians were in a dire situation. They were marginalised by society, slandered and persecuted, because they did not practise emperor worship, and did not take part in fornications and idolatries. Their livelihood and even their own life were under great threat. Added to these were heresies penetrating the church, and the temptation for believers to go after materialism and fame. Fully understanding their situations, John encouraged them to uphold faithfulness and perseverance, to reject heresies and lead a holy life. (extracted from the background of Revelation, Worldwide Chinese Bible/環球聖經譯本. To be continued.)

Revelation 3

* This month let us pray for the Africans and their churches who are in the new pandemic. Listen to the choral singing of young Christians from Cameroon, Congo, Kenya United in Song

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