A Rainbow Around The Throne!

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You Are Worthy To Receive Glory, Honor, Power! Ark Channel 13/12/2021 Mon Revelation 4

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven…(v1)

* The earth is chaotic. Look to heaven: the gate of heaven is opened, the throne of God is firm, the rainbow of the covenant is still there, God is immutable, His heart does not change and the eternal worship will not stop!
* “From the heavenly and spiritual kingdom, this book lets believers know that they are facing a spiritual war. God is the ruler of history and the world; in His plan, Christ will soon return to defeat Satan and his gang and all those faithful to Christ will share eternal happiness with Him. (excerpt from the background of the Book of Revelation in the Worldwide Chinese Bible/環球聖經譯本).

Revelation 4

* Living in “The Law of Uncertainty”, many are lost like a little boat in the big ocean. Paster Paul SHEN/沈保羅牧師 speaks on Matthew 16.

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