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Revelations Add comments

Suffering and Loneliness Won’t Last Long! – Ark Channel 18/12/2021 Sat Revelation 9

… did not repent… that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. (v. 20)

* Apparently the Book of Revelation assumes every Christian will be a martyr. But the book reminds us one more thing: God is still in control! The Devil cannot go beyond God. Despite the dreadful circumstances, God is still hoping mankind to repent.

Revelation 9

* Young people around the urban world dare to dream, to wonder, to question! The Alpha film series guides them to the eternal quest of the human heart, interwoven with stories of pastors, scientists and travelers, then concludes with a quick calculation of the human life. It is thought provoking! arkchannel sharing

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