he Time Came To Reward!

Revelations Add comments

HE Is King Forever And Ever! Ark Channel 20/12/2021 Mon Revelation 11

These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. (v4)

* Who are the two witnesses? Bible commenters are divided. Some think it is the faithful church represented by Smyrna and Philadelphia – faced with great trial, they remember ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit’!

Revelation 11

* Robert Solomon in his new book “Growing Old Gracefully” brought up that he once heard Dr. Harry Ironside prayed, “Lord, keep me from turning out to be a mean old man.” which made an impression on him. Dr. Ironside was evidently aware of how the difficulties and complexities of aging could make one deteriorate into irritability and meanness. Ironside was noted for his love and gentleness, living out God’s love!

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