To God and The Lamb!

Revelations Add comments

It’s like a new song! – Ark Channel 23/12/2021 Thu Revelation 14

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. (v.1)

* The dragon and the beast temporarily gained a victory, misleading the whole world, but even that was just a moment in time. When the Lamb surfaced, we can sing before the throne! God is sovereign forever, those who belong to the Lamb will share in Christ’s victory, with justice carried fully! (v.6-20)

Revelation 14

* One sister volunteers at a charity comforting the elderly. She took the chance to preach the gospel to a non-believer, but this elderly folk kept rejecting it. Recently, however, the elder believed! She had a recent spate of unexplainable calamities that the charity’s pastor resolved, so she turned to Jesus and was set free! Jesus is the Lord!

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